Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Keep 6th September Free for Your Diary

A personal friend of mine, who is launching The Forex Trading Floors,  which are based in Brentwood, Essex, is holding his first opening evening on 6th September, from 7pm - 10pm.

It will be a great opportunity to network to have a look around their purpose built trading floors which are being launched with the aim of making the trading environment accessible to everyone - not least, network amongst likeminded people and grow your contacts list.

I will be going - hope to see you there too!

For more information, click here

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Rob.
    Spoke with you a few times @ K2A so hope all is going well with you.
    A quick question?
    Do you know or have an opinion on the VantagePoint neural network software? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daja3avi-4I&feature=relmfu
    Now I know you might say that all this prediction should be possible anyway?? But I thought it would be good to ask you for your opinion as you come up against so many people?
