Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Awesome Trader Film: 'Floored'

If you have ever wondered how fortunes were made and lost in the pitts of Chicargo yesteryear then look no further. The docu-film, 'Floored', gives a full and frank insight into how both seasoned professionals and complete and utter punters were to jostle side by side in their quest to get the day's 'hot trade' back in the 80s and 90s.

What is curious however is that many pitt traders who were on top of their game twenty short years ago are really struggling with now having to do business with their newly found nemesis - the personal computer.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant film, Rob, which I have finally got around to watching in one sitting - thanks very much for posting it. Where do you find this stuff?! Hope you're well, had a good summer, Piers
