Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Trading for an income? Try this

As most of you know, I trade for capital growth only as the currency markets give us the opportunity to make fantastic returns on our capital. Being in the opportunity flow end of day only gives us the opportunity to do this from as little as 20 minutes a day as opposed to being hunched over a screen trying to chase 'x' amount of pips for a 'daily target'! After all, you're reaping the best rewards Vs time spent in from of the screen compared to those poor intra-day traders.

What do daily targets do? Put you under undue duress to trade so that invariable, boredom, anger and frustration trades manifest themselves and all goes Pete Tong... I know...have been there.
 So I have my way of doing things – but also a tremendous amount of freetime!

So what the hell do I do for income? Automated trading, yes. But also non-performance based income streams are very important as they have uncorrelated returns...so that no matter what the markets are doing - you can still have a form of income from elsewhere.

 Being a freelance journo I discovered self digital publishing and realised than unlike before where I was getting paid per word...I could get paid for one piece of work TIME AND AGAIN. But this was not just confined to me - anyone could do this. It was a major breakthrough personally and, after much research and application, I am now sharing my method to people on how exactly they can gain decent, recurring income streams from quite literally writing about what they want, when they want and how they want. Even if they have never been published before: www.words2riches.com

Check this out and see how you can potentially turn your interests, vocation, profession or passions into recurring income streams... but you don’t have to. It’s just an idea for you to keep you away from the charts over-trading.


  1. Hi Rob,
    you mentioned you do Automated trading. Does this include K2A's Income Generator? And if so would you recommend this?

  2. Hey Nick, by all means do the ATM - It's a great introduction although I have decided that I want to be completely discretionary or not at all...I have a deep mistrust of simply programming a computer to trade on autopilot and I want to be accountable to my self rather than at the mercy of a computer, lol.
